Millie DavisTrouble in Mind

Katrina Mervin is an actor who enjoys roles with dynamic range and emotional depth. She studied Theater Arts at the University of North Florida and On Camera Acting Technique with William Mark McCullough. Her versatility allows her to easily transition from film to stage productions. She had the lead role in the play Wine in the Wilderness in the deeply insightful historical film about women’s issues in American society The Light Break, she played Zora a resilient woman. Beyond acting, she enjoys creative writing and cooking gourmet meals.

What made you audition for this show?
I was intrigued by the play’s storyline and the complexity of internal and extern al conflicts that the characters must struggle with.

How do you relate to the character you’re portraying?
I love Millie’s many layers. I can relate to her perceived outward persona and the complex layers that lie beneath. People frequently think that I’m quiet, and shy, but soon find out that still waters do run deep.

If you had to describe the show in one word, what would it be?

What do you want people to take away from this show?
The realization that everyone is negatively affected by oppressive societal norms and stereotypes and that we should consciously strive to see and treat each other as unique and equal individuals.

Why should patrons come to support/attend the show?

They will enjoy an evening on an emotional roller coaster! They will laugh, gasp, tear up and think.


Written by Alice Childress
Directed by Zach Rivera
Mainstage • May 10 – 26, 2024

A talented and experienced Black actress has been cast in Chaos in Belleville, an anti-lynching play set to open on Broadway. She’s paid her dues throughout the years, playing stereotypical supporting roles in second-rate shows, and is ready for her star turn. Chaos in Belleville, written by a white playwright, might not be quite as enlightened a piece as she’s been hoping for — but that doesn’t mean it won’t sell out. And selling out is the question at the heart of Alice Childress’s comedy-drama. A cast of multigenerational Black actors rehearse under the purview of a white director and stage manager, and as the rehearsal process unfolds, theatre conventions and racial politics collide, resulting in a surprisingly funny yet deeply piercing look at the entertainment industry.